
Pop music for woodwind quintet

Ok I have to admit, I do not have much pop music arranged for woodwind / wind quintet. But I am working on it. Few things I look out for when deciding which pop music to arrange for woodwind / wind quintet: 1. Suitability: Not all pop music are suitable to be played by a wind quintet. So I have to decide which ones will sound good on wind quintet or not. There are just some songs that are meant to by sung vocally and will never, never sound good when played by a wind quintet. 2. Mass appeal: Frankly...

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Why is horn in woodwind quintet?

You may ask, since the French Horn is a brass instrument, why is it a member of the Wind / Woodwind Quintet? There's no definitive answer to that question, but the likely reason would be due to the Horn's tonal quality and it closeness to that of the woodwind's, particularly the Bassoon. And the Horn blends well with Woodwind instruments. The Horn can also unleash its 'brassy' quality to enhance the dynamics and vary the colours of the Woodwind quintet. On a whole, the additional of Horn really enhances the middle to lower voice of the quintet, provides greater colour and dynamics, as well as...

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